Friday, March 13, 2009

Hanging In There

Little boys, a shovel, and dirt... perfect

OK... I've been blog-lazy for the past few months. I haven't even taken a single picture. My camera lays on my apartment desk, dead batteries and all. I'll fix that.

I'm currently in Bloomington, Indiana attending a paramedic course, and living in an apartment with three 21-year old students. Life is indeed interesting. I spend my days either attending class learning about advanced emergency medicine, or doing clinical rotations on a 911 ambulance or in an emergency room. I've met hundreds of patients with countless illnesses and problems. The fact of the matter is that I quickly forget most of them, however I've come to learn that I'm the most important person in their lives at that particular moment in time, and they will often not forget what I end up doing for them. This is the nature of emergency medicine. I love being a paramedic; mostly because I can have a direct and often monumentous impact on someone's life; someone who is a father, a daughter, a girlfriend. With every patient that I touch, I effect countless others. What a great job!

As I mentioned I'm living amidst college students, which creates its own set of challenges and observations. I look at theses kids, all are 21-years old, and I have to believe that I was once that "innocent"; a word that is a analogous to whatever concept that you want to apply. On a whole they're great guys, and treat me with a bit of awe and wonder. I tell them that I'm not anything special, I've just lived longer than they have.

More to follow in the coming days. I hesitate writing about many of the patients I meet because I'm entrusted with their privacy and confidence, an honor and a privilege that I take very seriously. Nonetheless, I'll try, in the future, to provide some colorful stories and insight as I progress along this path.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you are doing well and if your roommates hold you in high esteem it is only because it has been well earned. Good luck with the course, I had a feeling you were really going to enjoy it.

Jeremy said...

My sister is a nurse, she's said some similar things. Thanks for sharing.

Ash said...

You must be nearing the end of your course, and I imagine you are beginning to look forward to getting on with your life. Adding these skills should make you unique amongst experienced security professionals. Your dedication and focus isn't 'usual' by any means, and your young room-mates can hardly help being positively influenced by your presence, mindfulness and balance. I'm a long time Soto Buddhist who also has military connections, so following your career is of special interest to me.

Suffering can be conquered, but first we must master ourselves.

lorraine said...

Hi Zen traveler: I am a nurse and do have that feeling. I'm in a small town and I will often see the same people and I have to work at calling them back to my mind but they remember me. We are important to people in need. Good luck with your advanced training. It will be good to have with you but hope you don't have to use it too much when you are doing other things. Take care and glad you are "back" at the keyboard. Lorraine

Long-time RN said...

Been a nurse for 30 years. A medical career can be quite rewarding in many ways. Hope the government doesn't screw it up!

Good to read you're doing well.