Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Wee Bit Of Age

My wife turns forty in a few weeks, and she’s not thrilled about it. She says that she’s OK with it, but after several years of marriage I know otherwise. I never understood why people get so hung up about being older. When we were teenagers we couldn’t wait to be older, now that we’re there everyone wants to be younger. Did we miss something along the way?

I take the attitude that I’m going to be the best 43 year old that I can be. If I make it to 44, then I’ll endeavor to be an even better 44 year old. We’re all right here, right now. There’s no going back, just as there’s no jumping forward. Be the best person that you can be day in and day out, and be happy where you are. It appears that everyone wants to be right where you are right now, so relish it.

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