Friday, May 11, 2007

Law of Averages

I went to the Atlanta Zoo this morning with my three-year-old son. As it’s been two days since I've pressed a shutter release so I was excited to finally take some pictures.

Here’s how it broke down. I ended up taking 107 shots over 90 minutes. I thought this was a good number given that I had one eye in the viewfinder and the other on my son. Sometimes the two lined up, other times, not.

I imported all 107 into Aperture and began to stack and rate them. Out of the bunch, I ended up picking 12 of them for cropping and editing.

From the 12, I uploaded one to my Flickr account, and none made it up to the Flickr’s Utata group. I have pretty high standards for what I put up there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nothing to do with your son, the zoo or Atlanta, but I thought I would pass it along anyway.

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